
Onboarding users onto WattShift is an important part of our optimization services. Each user should be onboarded in order for us to account for rate plans, DER programs, and other relevant data.

Generating Onboarding URL

To onboard the user, you will need to redirect them to our onboarding flow.

The following endpoint will generate an onboarding URL for the user–

async function getWattshiftOnboardingUrl() {
  const { url, homeId } = await wattshiftApiCall(
      userId: "user id",
      redirectUrl: "",
      enableThirdPartyDevice: false, // set to false if you control your own devices.
      hvacs: [
          name: "user id thermostat",
          enabled: true,
          defaultMode: "HEAT",
          tempUnits: "F",
          maxTemp: "75",
          minTemp: "65",
          defaultTemp: "70",
          deviceType: "Hvac",
          canHeat: true,
          canCool: false,
          targetTemp: 70,
          currentTemp: 70,
  return { url, homeId };

The URL’s domain will always be but this endpoint will provide a sessionToken that is temporary and tied to your API Key

The user id is the unique identifier of the user in your system, which will be used to query the user’s data once the onboarding flow is complete.